"He is counted criminal for acts which are deemed innocent in others, punished with a severity from which all others are exempted." - William Goodell Silenced into not speaking, having to use third parties to speak at all. They don't want to allow you online so that others don't see what they're ACTIVELY doing here, or so there's no record beyond what they choose to make of history; something similar to 1984 taking place in present day, to be charged with crimes for thoughts or words in response to physical ACTIONS. The SAME words others say to face no charges of crimes. There's a lot to say, and you don't know where to begin when there is so much wrong. Walking past no less than 1,000 homeless people upon 30 minutes of release,following 4 months in custody for removing a curtain with feces on it in the apartment I'm living at getting exploited by slumlords that don't even live here. Weird about 20 posts of additional video evidence @Sleepe...